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A mind blowing event awaiting  for the circuit crackers. we magicians present before you, the unbeaten “circuit  debugging”…

1) The participants are not allowed to bring any components as well as programmable calculators. The necessary components and materials for the event  will be supplied by the organizers.
2) The maximum number of participants in a team will be two.
3) The participants should produce valid ID cards of their respective colleges.
4) Participants bear the whole responsibility of their components and equipment and will be find if damaged.

Scoring rules:
1)      Prelims will be included as per the strength of participants.
2)      The first position will be secured by the team who clears all the bugs within the circuit in the least time.
3)      Points will be awarded during the event.
4)      If no team clears all the errors within the allotted time, the first position will be given to the team who scores the maximum points.
5)      Total allotted time : 30 mins

Rights of organizers committee:
1)      The organizer has the right to amend any of the above said rules for the fair play.
2)      Organizers decision will be final and no further arguments are entertained.


© 2012 BEC - EEE

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